Kamis, 14 April 2011

Name Origin Singapore E-mail

Hundreds of years ago there lived Sang Nila Utama, the King of Srivijaya. One day, accompanied by several bodyguards loyal, King went sailing. On the way hurricanes come. The guards suggested that the King out of it.

"Your Majesty, it is dangerous to continue the journey at a time like this. We better stop once to a safe place. If I not mistaken, the closest place from here is Tumasik Island. Why do not we go there while waiting for the state of calm, "said the captain.

King agrees. Their boat was docked to the Island Tumasik.

After landing, the King left the ship and look around the island. When the tour was suddenly flashed an animal is not far from it. The king was surprised and amazed. The animal was so big, golden, and looks dashing.

"creature is it?"

"If I am not mistaken, the people call it a lion, your honor," replied one of his bodyguards.



King then asked for information about biantang lebh the first time he saw it. With the full attention of the King mendengarkana explanation bodyguard.

"Then, we give the name of this place in Singapore. Meaning: Lion City ".

Since then the city was named Singapore.

greedy dog

It is a dog stealing a piece of bone big yag in stalls. He ran so fast so it is not overtaken the butcher. He ran into the fields, carrying the bones in the snout. He wants to eat it all alone.

The dog had passed a small river. There is a narrow bridge on it. He was walking on the bridge, looking into the water. She saw her reflection in the water. He thinks there is another dog with a bone in his mouth. The greedy dog ​​was thinking bone in the dog's mouth is greater than she was carrying.

He jumped into the water to grab a larger bone of the dog that he had seen earlier. He jumped so strong that the bone in his mouth apart. He was looking everywhere but could not find another dog. The shadow had been lost.

Stupid dog came home hungry and cold. He lost bone that he stole from the butcher and not get anything because he was too greedy.

Senin, 04 April 2011


Yang bertanda tanga dibawah ini :

Nama : H.CUCU
Umur : 51 tahun
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Ibu rumah tangga
Alamat : Kp. Cicalengka Rt 04/04 Desa Mekarmukti
Kecamatan Cihampelas Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Disebut sebagai pihak ke 1 (penjual)

Nama : H.ENENG
Umur : 52 tahun
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Ibu rumah tangga
Alamat : Kp.Cicalengka Rt 03/04 Desa Mekarmukti
Kecamatan Cihampelas Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai pihak ke II (pembeli)

Pada hari ini Selasa tanggal Lima Bulan April Tahun Dua Ribu Sebelas, pihak ke I dan pihak ke II telah sepakat melakukan transaksi Jual Beli sebidang tanah darat yang terletak di Blok Cicalengka Kp.Cicalengka Rt 04/04 Desa Mekarmukti Kohir No persil No seluas : 82 m2 (5,6 tumbak) seharga rp. 10.857.000,- (Sepuluh Juta Delapan Ratus Lima Puluh Tujuh Ribu Rupiah).

Adapun tanah tersebut dengan batas-batas :
- Utara : H.CUCU - Timur : ENTIN
- Selatan : CUCU - Barat : H.UKEN

Demikian pernyataan jual beli ini saya buat dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak ada unsur paksaaan dari pihak manapun dan bilamana dikemudian hari ada pihak keluarga atau ahli waris dari pihak penjual berusaha menggugat harap yang berwajib menolaknya dan pernyaan ini dapat dijadikan dasar pembuatan surat-surat selanjutnya.

Cicalengka, 05 April 2011
Pihak ke II (pembeli) pihak ke I (penjual),



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